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Use this search engine to look up call signs for South Africa (ZR, ZS and ZU), and members of the SARL who hold foreign call signs.  We do not hold records for other Southern African countries.

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You may use this function to look up individual entries by call sign only. The full call book is Copyright SARL 1997-2025 and may not be used for any other purpose.

About the Call book
Database file is dated: 2025/03/24 02:45:25 PM

This database is updated every business day from the master database maintained by the SARL. 

It is the responsibility of every member to advise the SARL of any changes to callsigns, addresses or other information.
ICASA occasionally provides the SARL with information from their database, and this may be used to update our records.  

If you wish to update your entry, you may do so on this website. First look up your details and check the information on record. If there are changes to be made you may do so by clicking the UPDATE link.  If your call sign does not appear, please send your details by email to the SARL Administrator.  You must include: Call sign, Name, Postal address, Email address, Licence Number, Identity Number and a contact telephone number, as well as a copy of your current valid ICASA licence.

SARL members may post photos on the call book. To post a photo first make sure that you have logged in, then look up your call sign in the call book and follow the instructions from there.

Copyright © 1997-2025    South African Radio League
This page last modified: 16/7/2021