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Hamnet Rules and Organization

Hamnet Emergency Frequencies
Emergency communication by amateur radio stations.
Hamnet ID Cards
Policy statement on membership of Hamnet
Hamnet Application Form
Minutes of last Hamnet meeting [PDF]
The HAMNET Manual
PDF format, right click and "save target as"
Hamnet Memo Form
Minutes of last Teleconference




In these rules, unless the context otherwise indicates:

"SARL" means the South African Radio League as duly constituted.

"President" means the President of the South African Radio League.

"Council" means the Council of the South African Radio League whose members are appointed in terms of the constitution of the South African Radio League.

"HAMNET" means the division of the South African Radio League charged with the organisation, implementation and execution of an emergency radio communications network.

"National Director" means the person appointed by the Council of the South African Radio League to organise, control, regulate and implement the operations of HAMNET.

"Deputy National Director" means the person appointed by the Council of the South African Radio League to deputise for the National Director in his absence.

"Provincial Director" means a person appointed to organise, control, regulate and implement the operations of HAMNET in any designated Province.

"Deputy Provincial Director" means a person appointed to deputise for a Provincial Director in his absence, within any designated Province.

"Assistant Provincial Director" means a person appointed to assist a Provincial Director in any designated Province.

"Province" means such area as defined as a province in terms of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa Act (Act No 200 of 1993) or as amended from time to time.

"Member" means a member of HAMNET, who shall also be a member of the South African Radio League.

"National Council" means a council consisting of the National Director, Provincial Directors and Deputy Provincial Directors with the purpose of ensuring effective co-ordination and operation of HAMNET within the Republic of South Africa.

"Provincial Council" means a council consisting of the Provincial Director, Deputy Provincial Director and Assistant Provincial Director(s) with the purpose of ensuring the effective co-ordination and operation of HAMNET in any Province.

"SATEPSA" means the South African Telecommunication Electrical and Power Supply Authority as constituted by the Government of the Republic of South Africa.

"Disaster Management" (previously Civil Protection) means Disaster Management as defined in terms of the appropriate statutory legislation.



1. There is hereby established a division of the SARL which shall be known as HAMNET and which shall be structured at National and Provincial levels and shall function under the jurisdiction of the National Director who shall be accountable to the Council of the SARL.


2. The objectives of HAMNET shall be:

2.1. to provide efficient and accurate radio communications in the event of a natural disaster, emergency situation or when the lives, safety, welfare or property of the community are endangered;

2.2. to train its members in emergency radio procedures;

2.3. to form an effective radio network in any emergency conditions from fixed and/or mobile stations;

2.4. to be at the disposal of the Government of the Republic of South Africa, SATEPSA, any Provincial Government, Disaster Management or any other body or organisation vested with similar aims and objectives in time of any emergency or at such other times when lives, safety, welfare or property of the community may be endangered;

2.5. to liase with any organisation or body, whether constituted by Statute or not, in order to give effect to these aims and objectives.



3. HAMNET shall be structured on three levels, namely:

3.1. national;

3.2. provincial; and

3.3. sub-provincial.

4. HAMNET shall be organised:

4.1. to give effect to the constitution of the SARL;

4.2. to promote service to the community; and

4.3. to ensure that the level at which decisions can be taken most effectively is the level empowered to do so; and

4.4. to ensure that command and communication are as efficient as possible.


5. There shall be a National Director of HAMNET who shall be appointed by the Council of the SARL.

6. There shall be a Deputy National Director of HAMNET who shall be appointed by the Council of the SARL.

7. There shall be Provincial Directors for each province within the Republic who shall be appointed by the National Director on the recommendations of the members of HAMNET in such province.

8. There shall be a Deputy Provincial Director for each province within the Republic who shall be appointed by the Provincial Director on the recommendations of the members of HAMNET of such province; provided that the National Director shall approve such appointment.

9. There shall be Assistant Provincial Directors for each province within the Republic who shall be appointed by the Provincial Director and Deputy Provincial Director of such province; provided that the National Director shall approve such appointment.


10. Should any reason arise which may require the termination of any members HAMNET membership, such instance will be dealt with as provided for in the grievance procedures as set out in these rules. Any member who ceases to be a member of the SARL, shall automatically forfeit his or her HAMNET membership.


11. The National Director of HAMNET shall hold a meeting of the National Council not less than once in every year.

12. The National Council will perform the following functions:

12.1. to ensure that all Directors of HAMNET are advised of matters concerning the national policy of HAMNET;

12.2. to ensure the effective co-ordination of HAMNET activities on a national basis;

12.3. to ensure the effective co-operation of all Directors on an inter-provincial basis;

12.4. to deal with any matter that affects HAMNET on a national basis; and

12.5. to deal with any matter concerning HAMNET, referred to or brought to the attention of the National Director by the Council of the SARL or any other body or person which may concern the aims, objectives or functions of HAMNET on a National basis.

13. Meetings of the National Council may be held by means of telephone conference facilities, by radio or at a place where the members are personally present.

14. Minutes of the meetings of the National Council will be kept in writing and a copy of such minutes shall be sent to every member of such council and to the secretary of the SARL.


15. The Provincial Directors shall hold meetings of the Provincial Council in each province not less than 4 (four) times per year.

16. The Provincial Council will perform the following functions:

16.1. to ensure the effective co-ordination of HAMNET activities on a provincial basis;

16.2. to ensure the effective co-operation of all Directors on a provincial basis;

16.3. to deal with any matters concerning HAMNET on a provincial basis; and

16.4. to deal with any matter referred to such council by the National Council or the National Director.

16.5. Meetings of the Provincial Council may be held by means of telephone conference facilities, radio or at a place where the members are personally present.

16.6. Minutes of the meetings of the Provincial Council will be kept in writing and a copy of such minutes will be sent to every member of such council and to the National Director.



17. The National director shall:

17.1. Exercise executive command of HAMNET;

17.2. act as chairperson of the National Council;

17.3. appoint and ratify directors of HAMNET as provided for;

17.4. control the membership of HAMNET;

17.5. issue identity cards to every member;

17.6. control the effective operation of HAMNET;

17.7. keep a register of all HAMNET members; and

17.8. perform such other functions and duties as required in terms of these rules and any other function he or she may be called upon to perform by the Council of the SARL from time to time.


18. The Provincial Director, within his or her province of jurisdiction, shall:

18.1. exercise control of HAMNET within such province;

18.2. appoint Deputy and Assistant Provincial Directors as provided for in this notice;

18.3. act as chairperson of the Provincial Council;

18.4. control membership within the province;

18.5. arrange training and training exercises for members;

18.6. maintain a register of members;

18.7. maintain an active liaison with Disaster Management, Provincial Government, Local Authorities and other bodies or persons;

18.8. recruit HAMNET members;

18.9. formulate a contingency plan in the event of an emergency;

18.10. perform such additional duties as the National Director may designate to him or her from time to time.


19. A Deputy Provincial Director shall:

19.1. assist the Provincial Director in the performance of his or her duties;

19.2. act as the Provincial Director in his or her absence from the province of jurisdiction of such Deputy Provincial Director and exercise all the powers of such Provincial Director during his or her absence;

19.3. perform such tasks and additional duties as the Provincial Director may designate to him or her from time to time.


20. An Assistant Provincial Director shall:

20.1. be responsible for the recruitment, training and liaison between members of HAMNET within an area within the province of his or her appointment as specified by the Provincial Director;

20.2. perform such other tasks and duties as designated to him or her by the Provincial Director from time to time.


21. The President or National Director or any Provincial Director, in consultation with the National Director, may activate and instruct members of HAMNET to perform any duty in service of the preservation of life, safety of the community or property.

22. HAMNET members whilst so employed shall be subject to the laws of the Republic and the regulations as defined.

23. Any member of HAMNET who refuses to comply with a request to perform duty by the President, National Director or any Provincial Director or who fails to comply with the requirements of these rules without just cause, shall be suspended from membership pending an enquiry and be liable to censure or withdrawal of membership of HAMNET as provided.


24. The National Director may direct any member to establish a specialised unit or division of HAMNET for the purpose of furthering the aims and objectives of HAMNET.

25. The powers, functions and area of jurisdiction of such person will be defined in writing by the National Director.



26. Any person wishing to enrol as a member of HAMNET shall complete an application form as prescribed by the National Director.

27. Membership of HAMNET shall be open to such persons who are members in good standing of the SARL.

28. Subject to the recommendations of the Provincial Director in whose area the applicant resides, the National Director may accept or reject such application without stating reasons for such rejection.

29. Every person granted membership of HAMNET will be issued with an identity appointment card which shall bear the member's photograph and be styled as prescribed by the National Director.


30. Every member of HAMNET shall demonstrate his or her competency in the following aspects:

30.1. understand and demonstrate the principles of emergency radio operating procedures;

30.2. know the requirements for operating a field station and demonstrate his or her capability by operating a field station for a period of not less than 1 (one) hour at a location to be chosen by the examiner;

30.3. understand and demonstrate the requirements of reporting an incident using radio communications and procedures;

30.3.1. to able to read a street map and proceed to a given point utilising such map;

30.3.2. locate and plot his or her position on a map of suitable scale and be able to plot and proceed to a location on such map utilising map references stated in longitude and latitude; and

30.4. participate in two exercises approved by a Provincial Director.

31. Every member shall demonstrate his competency as prescribed to the satisfaction of the Provincial Director of his or her province or to such person as the Provincial Director has appointed to fulfil such a function.

32. The above training requirements may be varied and or amended from time to time by the National Director at his discretion.


33. The recognition of advanced qualifications are voluntary and do not form any part of the membership requirements for HAMNET nor are they compulsory.

34. Any member of HAMNET who satisfies the National Director that he or she holds the following qualification shall be recognised as prescribed:

34.1. a current basic first aid or equivalent certificate, shall have a red disc affixed to his or her identity card;

34.2. is an accredited member of a Four Wheel Drive Rescue Unit, shall have a blue disc affixed to his or her identity card;

34.3. is an accredited member of a Disaster Management Unit, shall have a yellow disc affixed to his or her identity card;

34.4. has completed the advanced HAMNET training programme, shall have a green disc affixed to his or her identity card.

35. The advanced HAMNET training programme qualification shall consist of a member participating in an exercise being no less than 3 (three) hours in duration and successfully demonstrating his capabilities in each aspect of the requirements for training as set out in rule 36. This exercise shall be held in both rural and urban terrain.

36. The detailed requirements in respect of the above training and advanced qualifications may be varied from time to time at the discretion of the National Director.



37. All property or equipment, whether movable or immovable, acquired, purchased, donated or received by any member for the use of on behalf of HAMNET, shall be recorded in an asset register which shall be maintained by the Provincial Director in the province of the Republic where such property or equipment is to be used or utilised.

38. All property or equipment requiring to be registered in terms of any law of the Republic, shall be registered in the name of the South African Radio League - HAMNET, at the address of the Headquarters of the League.

39. Any documents required to be signed in respect of property or equipment shall bear the signature of the Provincial Director concerned, the National Director and President, any two of which persons are to be authorised to sign for the acquisition or disposal of such equipment or property.

40. The asset register will be in such form as the Council of the SARL may prescribe from time to time and be annually updated. A copy of such asset register will be submitted to the National Director and Council by the Provincial Director by no later than the 31st of December of each calendar year.


41. Every Provincial Council shall be empowered to open, operate or close an account at a registered bank or building society within the Republic.

42. The authorising signatories on such account shall be the Directors within the province where such account is to be operated, the National Director and the Treasurer of the SARL. Any two of the above persons shall be authorised to operate the account.

43. All accounts will be in the name of the South African Radio League - HAMNET and be followed by the name of the province in which such account will be operated.

44. The Provincial director or a member designated by him or her will maintain detailed records of all income and expenditure in respect of such accounts and submit an annual income and expenditure record, together with supporting documentation, to the Treasurer of the League on or before 31 December of every year in a form to be prescribed by the Treasurer of the SARL from time to time.

45. All money received by a Provincial Council on behalf of HAMNET shall be recorded in the financial records of such Province.

46. Any money received by the National director on behalf of HAMNET shall be handed to the Treasurer of the SARL who shall deposit such money into the account of the SARL and maintain a separate record of such money within his or her books.

47. All expenditure or transfer of money to a Provincial HAMNET account requested by the National Director on behalf of HAMNET shall be authorised by the National Director and be recorded by the Treasurer in the books of the SARL.

48. The Treasurer of the SARL shall reconcile all income and expenditure on behalf of HAMNET in the annual financial report of the SARL which shall be tabled at the AGM of the SARL.

49. No person who is a member of HAMNET may enter into any suspensive sale agreement, lease agreement or any other form of financial transaction or agreement which may create any liability on behalf of the South African Radio League, without the specific written consent of the Council of the SARL, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld.



50. Every member of HAMNET or any other radio amateur or person specifically indemnifies the SARL and HAMNET from any legal liability howsoever caused or acquired in respect of bodily injury or for any loss or damage to property whilst such person is participating in any activity of whatsoever nature on behalf of HAMNET or the SARL.


51. The SARL may arrange for a policy of insurance to which members may voluntary subscribe and which will provide indemnity to any member of HAMNET or a member of the SARL whilst participating in HAMNET activities, in respect of:

51.1. indemnity for loss or damage to immovable property;

51.2. indemnity for loss or damage to movable property;

51.3. indemnity for death or bodily injury caused by accidental means, including compensation for temporary and or permanent disability.

52. Subject to each and every member who voluntarily wishes to participate in such insurance policy being solely responsible for the payment of all premiums and costs of such insurance and that the SARL, HAMNET and any other person or organisation will not be liable for any loss or damages falling outside the scope of this policy or if a member fails to pay any premium for such policy as specifically provided for in the indemnity clause.


53. Should a member or any other radio amateur be dissatisfied with or hold the perception that any unfair treatment against him has arisen or that HAMNET or a member of HAMNET is in breach of any procedure, regulation or requirement in the pursuance of any HAMNET activity, or should any member of HAMNET be in breach of these rules or a complaint of misconduct be lodged against a member, then such grievance shall be dealt with in terms of clause 16.1.4 of the constitution of the SARL as provided for in the instance and within the context of such provisions.



54. Members of HAMNET may display the badge of the SARL or the HAMNET badge (as defined) with the word "HAMNET" in the lower scroll of such badge on the windscreen or any other part of any vehicle used by such member. The badge shall be in black or dark blue and have a yellow background.

55. There shall be a HAMNET badge in the form as depicted hereunder and which badge may be worn or displayed by any member of HAMNET.

56. Members of HAMNET may, in addition to the above badges, wear any badge, award or decoration awarded to him or her by the SARL or any other body or organisation recognised in the Republic of South Africa and legally authorised to make such award.


[If you have a colour printer, you can print a colour image of the Hamnet Badge here.]


57. The National Director may from time to time issue directives to any Director or member in order to amplify or expand on any aspect of these rules save that such directives shall not alter the context of such rules.


58. The National Director may, in consultation with the National Council, alter, amend or vary the requirements and directives in these rules from time to time, subject to such alterations, amendments or variations being first ratified by the Council of the SARL or in exceptional and urgent circumstances by the President acting on behalf of the Council of the SARL.


59. In the event of HAMNET being dissolved or ceasing to operate Nationally or in any Province, all property, whether movable or immovable and all funds held in any account in the name of HAMNET shall revert to the South African Radio League.


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This page last modified: 6/7/2016