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QSL hints and useful info
Application to link callsigns for QSL bureau purposes
SA-QSL Electronic QSL service
IARU QSL Bureaus

Incoming Bureau

Members who do a lot of DXing will receive cards more frequently. Others will only receive cards if we can fill a envelope with about 12 cards, this may take, in some instances, some months, however we send all cards at the end of every year to members. Please make sure that your details on the SARL website is up to date.  

Members may make arrangements to collect cards from the bureau making for speedier delivery, or you can send us one or more SASEs. Members are urged to consider this option.

Outgoing Bureau

The maximum amount is 3 kg (about 1000 cards) per annum per member to a DX destination serviced by a QSL bureau.

Once the 3 kg card limit has been reached all further outgoing cards will be held back and members will be asked to purchase one or more additional units at a rate of R135.00 per kg. Once payment has been received the cards will be released up to the new weight limit.

How to use the QSL Bureau

Sort all outgoing cards by callsign prefix, (except for the USA) and put together in alphabetical order. Remember that some countries have more than one prefix, so cards for these should be put together. EG: Hungary HA and HG, Russia all R, and UA-UI, etc.

For QSL bureau information please refer to the current country listing here.

USA cards must be sorted in numerical order i.e. all 1’s, 2’s, etc. together irrespective of the prefix. It will also help the bureau if the cards for Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Alaska etc could be separated as in the IARU list.

Do not tie each bundle (country) in elastic or string. No cardboard or other separator is necessary as long as the cards are correctly sorted.

Please note that not all countries have QSL bureau facilities. Do not send cards for countries marked as (closed) as these cards will eventually be returned to you.

Where a QSL manager is used, the card must be clearly marked in the “via” block with the manager’s callsign.

Linked callsigns / Special event callsigns

Are you a member of the SARL and do you have more than one callsign? Are you the responsible person for a Special Event callsign? You can now register any number of callsigns linked to your master callsign free of charge.

The SARL QSL Bureau now uses a software program linked to the SARL membership database. This program allows automatic lookup of special event callsigns and also duplicate callsigns that members may use from time to time. In order to fully utilise this feature it is necessary that members complete a registration form found here. This form allows a member to register any number of linked callsigns to his or her master callsign. The master callsign must be the callsign that is the paid up callsign on the SARL database.

Please note that QSL cards arriving at the QSL Bureau for any special event station or any other callsign not linked to a paid up master callsign will not be processed and will be returned to the sender. A further advantage of registering these callsigns is that they will appear in the Electronic Call book, and will be available to any person making an enquiry on the SARL website.

Mail QSL cards to:

QSL Bureau
South African Radio League
PO BOX 1721

Please also contact the bureau for any other queries or suggestions. Your comments are welcomed and might help to improve our bureau service.

On the incoming side, clubs can make arrangements to collect cards from the bureau. For more information contact the QSL Bureau Manager.

Some useful Information on the QSL Bureau

What volume of cards is handled?

Each year the bureau handles approx. 60 000 cards.

How often are cards dispatched overseas?

The most cost effective way of sending cards overseas is to send them in batches of a full kilogram. The Bureau will therefore accumulate cards until a full kilogram or multiples of a kilogram is available for posting. Popular destinations will therefore be dealt with more frequently than the less popular ones. If a less popular destination is taking too long to reach the 1 kg stage then a partial shipment may be considered, even though this is less economic.

When are cards dispatched to local amateurs?

At present incoming QSL cards are handled by the following people:


Handled byName
1ZS1ZSAbe Swiegleaar
2ZS2ECTheunis Potgieter
Dennis Green
4ZS4BSDennis Green
Cariag Hardman
 Gert du Plessis

Useful notes

The standard size of a QSL card is 90mm X 140mm.  Please stick to this size because bigger or smaller cards cause a problem with sorting and get damaged.

If you need to put more information on your card make it 90mm X 280mm and fold it at the 140mm mark.

You can save yourself a lot of money and time if you first establish if the person wants a card, is a member and if there is a QSL bureau on the other side.

Please also consult for valuable information about your contact qsl preference. 

There is a generic QSL card availible. Send your request to


Copyright © 1997-2025    South African Radio League
This page last modified: 11/7/2013