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Information on Radio ZS


Radio ZS
Members Only

Radio ZS is a forum for South African Radio League members to share their amateur radio experiments, experiences, opinions and news.

The Editor

The Editor of Radio ZS is Dennis Green, ZS4BS. He can be reached on 051 446 2039 (home) or mobile 082 770 9126. His e-mail address is

Material submitted for publication is to be sent to We welcome all amateur radio related material, technical as well as general. News items are also welcome, but please ensure that Radio ZS receives it at such a time that it will still be relevant by the time the next issue is published.

Publication Dates

Radio ZS is published monthly – twelve (12) issues – in electronic format. Contributions for the next issue must reach the editor before or in the last week of the month before publication. To get an item published in the December issue, it must reach the editor before or in the last week of November. Closing dates will be posted in SARL News.

Writing for Radio ZS

Do you have a story that will be interesting to other radio amateurs? Have you recently discovered something interesting by experimenting? Do you have a special interest that makes you an expert on some or other aspect of amateur radio? Do you have some amateur radio related photograph for the cover page of Radio ZS? If so, and you wonder about the writing of an article or the presentation of the material, please contact the editor. Contact details are given above.

Here are some helpful guidelines for those interested in submitting articles for Radio ZS.

Electronic Text

Study the articles in Radio ZS and follow the format of titles, subtitles, etc. Radio ZS uses 12pt Calibri for ordinary text. Select English (South Africa) for English articles. Vir Afrikaanse artikels gebruik die WSpel program en kies English (US).

Please do not underline titles and remember that tables have to fit an A4 page. The preferred formats are MS Word, Open Office or RTF, but ordinary TXT files can also be processed.

Please do not include graphics in the text, but do indicate where it is intended to go. Submit graphics as separate files. It is difficult for the editor to devote five or more pages to one article - 3 to 4 pages also better holds the reader's attention.


Try to submit clear photographs - photos of groups for example, often print so poorly that individuals are not even recognizable. Take photos against a light background - especially photos of electronic equipment.

The format of graphics files can be .jpg. This format creates small files and is suitable for the black and white photos used inside Radio ZS. It is not suitable for cover photographs - these should be in bitmap (BMP) or TIF format. The resolution of photos is to be no less that 300 dots per inch. Line drawing will probably be decreased in size to fit the A4 format, so use thick lines and large captions to keep it legible.


Material taken unchanged from other magazines or books cannot be used without permission. When submitting such material, please include the letter from the original publisher giving permission for re-publication of the material. Should you however, rewrite the article, say to adapt it for local conditions, it can be used without permission.

Other IARU Member Societies may on written approval from the author and the editor of Radio ZS, reproduce material published in paper or digital form, for which the publishing author holds the copyright. Such approval shall not unreasonably be withheld. Material taken for other member societies’ publications in this way shall have a source and originator acknowledgement included on publication.

Large files

Large files are difficult to e-mail and travel through the net slowly. Consider zipping large files to decrease transmission time or send separate message each with one file attached.

Should you have any other questions, please contact the editor. He will gladly help you, as it is much easier than getting another contributor.

Radio ZS needs your article

Deadline for articles

Contributions for the next issue must reach the editor on or before the last week of the month before publication. Closing dates for 2017 are:

March 2017 – 22 February 2017

April 2017 – 27 March 2017

May 2017 – 24 April 2017

June 2017 – 25 May 2017

July 2017 – 26 June 2017

August 2017 – 25 July 2017

September 2017 – 24 August 2017

October 2017 – 25 September 2017

November 2017 – 24 October 2017

December 2017 – 23 November 2017

Advertising in Radio ZS and the SARL Web site

Radio ZS welcomes advertising. It is a source of information for readers. To place an advertisement in Radio ZS, contact Dennis, ZS4BS, at To advertise on the League web site, contact Hans, ZS6AKV at

Advertising Rates

Display (cameo) on home page - R500 pm - R2 500 for 6 months - R4 500 per annum

Commercial Hamad on home page - R60 pm - R300 for 6 months - R500 per annum

Radio ZS Strip advertisement, 10 cm x 2 columns on top of the page - R100 pm - R500 for 6 months - R1 000 per annum

Display (cameo) on home page and Radio ZS Strip advertisement (as above)       - R550 pm - R2 700 for 6 months - R4 900 per annum 

Terms and conditions

All contract advertisements content may be changed monthly on 5 working day notice

The rates are based on the complete supply of material in Jpeg unless otherwise negotiated. For artwork additional charges may apply as agreed

The content of the advertisements must comply with regulations and norms acceptable in South Africa

All advertisements are playable in advance by EFT to SA Radio League, ABSA, account no 4071 588 849 branch code 632 005

All correspondence and material must be sent to  with a copy to


HamAds are free for members of the SARL, non-members pay per column-centimetre. 


Radio ZS gets uploaded to the SARL web site before the beginning of the cover month. It is available for download from the Members Only section of the web site.


The opinions expressed in Radio ZS do not necessarily reflect the official view of the South African Radio League and the South African Radio League cannot be held responsible for incorrect information published.

Policy on Club Advertising in the Radio ZS magazine

1.         Each SARL affiliated club and Hamnet is eligible to place an advertisement of 1/4 page in Radio ZS.

2.         The content of all advertisements shall be restricted to Club activities and shall not include any material of a commercial or personal nature.

3.         The magazine covers (inside or outside) are not available for Club advertising

4.         The location of advertisements inside the magazine is decided during the final layout process and no particular page, or position on a page, can be guaranteed.

5.         The publication of the advertisement is always subject to the availability of suitable space, to be decided at the discretion of the Editor.

6.         Where two or more affiliated Clubs are acting jointly in organising an event, one larger advertisement may be placed within Radio ZS, by combining the individual club concessions, up to a maximum of half-a-page. This concession is subject to space availability, but early booking can avoid that problem.

7.         Clubs seeking to take advantage of this concession are advised to first discuss their requirements with the Editor of Radio ZS at

8.         It is strongly preferred that all advertising copy be delivered electronically by e-mail. All text material should be sent in Microsoft Word and diagrams/photos in tif or jpg format, to ensure that the original is faithfully reproduced during publication.

9.         The Editor shall always have the right to reject, or require changes to, any advertising for any reason.


Copyright © 1997-2025    South African Radio League
This page last modified: 8/8/2011