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Local DXCC Card Checking in South Africa

DXCC cards can now be checked locally!

The ARRL’s DX Century Club programme has been the premier awards programme for DXers for the past half century. DXCC is the prime benchmark against which DXing achievement is measured. Various endorsements and separate awards are available to recognise achievements on specific modes and bands, in addition to the basic award.

While South African participation has always been lively, the number of participants has declined in recent years. Reasons often cited include high postage costs and the fear of losing those much-treasured cards in the mail.

With the DXCC rule changes implemented in 2000, provision has been made for field checking in countries outside the USA. South Africa became one of the first countries with a field checker, with the appointment of Tjerk Lammers ZS1J, the SARL Awards Manager.

Tjerk can now check all QSL cards for DXCC credits, except for contacts with deleted countries. Tjerk will accept cards by mail, or by prior arrangement in person. Remember to include sufficient postage to allow Tjerk to return your cards.

Once the complete application with all the paperwork has been received, Tjerk will check the cards against the application form, and forward the checked application directly to the ARRL. Dubious cards, including those with alterations, will be deleted from the list. Tjerk has strict instructions not to get involved in arguments about the validity of cards, and rejected cards may be separately submitted directly to ARRL for a final decision.

Please contact Tjerk directly ( ) if you have questions.

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This page last modified: 21/6/2020