As an SARL member you will receive a website password for the current
year. Type in the password without the leading "0's"
( nought ) ie: 15728
If you have recently joined the SARL then there may be a few days delay
before your password takes effect.
Use your call sign together with your password
each time you access the Members-only portion of the SARLWeb. Your
password will only work with your own call sign. It is useless to anyone
If you've forgotten your password, just enter your
call sign and the word HELP in the password field, and the website will automatically e-mail your password to the e-mail address listed in the callbook for your callsign.
Having problems logging on to the Members-only
section, the Forum or to SA QSL?
This page
contains more information which should assist you.
Having trouble with the Members-only access?
Note that SARL passwords are
case sensitive, ie: "Anypassword" is not the same as "ANYPASSWORD",
"anypassword", "AnyPassword" or other variations..
If you have recently changed your call sign, please try
both the old and new call sign, as changes may take some time to
process. Your password will remain the same for both old and new
call signs.
Some listener members of the SARL may have a
hyphen within
the call sign, eg: "ZS6-0001" or "ZSL-999". If you cannot
log in with the call sign printed on your membership card, try logging in
without the hyphen or vice versa.
Once you have signed in with your call sign and password you may visit
any part of the SARL Web without being required to re-enter your password. However, you
may need to log in again if you take a hyperlink out of the SARL Web to another web site
and then return. You may also need to log in again if there has been no activity
from you for a long period - something like 20 minutes or so!
The security system on the SARL Members-only Web relies on
the use of temporary session cookies. You will not be able to access
the Members-only Web if cookies are disabled on your browser.
If you still encounter problems, please email the