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Interest Items - Added Value Pages and Links for SARL Members

Callbooks and QSL resources
DX resources
DXCC Country List
Email reflectors
Equipment Manufacturers
IOTA - Islands on the Air
ITU Zones
Local SA websites
National Organizations
Propagation and Solar Conditions
Q Codes
Radio Leagues around the World
Shortwave listening
SOHO - Solar Heliospheric Observatory
Useful resources available on the web

  Special Mention: Items marked with this symbol are worthy of special attention.

Please note: If you have any sites you'd like to add to the list or if you'd like to report a dead link, please contact the Webmaster


SARL Awards

The AC6V Awards page

The ARRL Awards Program All you need to know about the ARRL awards, including:  RCC · WAS · DXCC · VUCC · A-1 Op · OTC · ARRL Friendship Award · Code Proficiency · WAC · Contests · Plaques · How to Get Forms · Awards Fee Schedule

CQ Magazine sponsored awards, including: CQ DX, CQ WAZ, CQ WPX and USA-CA Award.

The K1BV DX Awards Directory Certificate Hunters: For those interested in pursuing some awards with a time limit (For example, contacts must be made in the current year, etc), this site shows 24 such challenges. It isn't DXCC, in fact some are probably a lot harder! In addition, the awards seeker will find links to about 21 different clubs and organisations who sponsor longer term awards.

The ON4CAS Awards pages Egbert Hertsen's useful pages on awards chasing.

Callbooks and QSL Resources

Buckmaster World Wide HamCall(tm) Server

CIS Online Callbook This database covers current and former calls in all 12 CIS countries (EK, ER, EU, EX, EY, EZ, UK, UN, UR, RA, 4K, 4L).  This service is available FOR FREE to VCD customers and selected individuals or for a low sign up fee.

Dateline DX Association. In 1996 a group of friends decided to join AL7EL on a business trip to Wake Island, and the Dateline DX Association was born. Since then Dateline DX Assn. members have operated from all over the Pacific and Asia. Every DXpedition has had Internet support, pilots to provide feedback to the dxpeditioners, and proper attention paid to low band qsos and with major efforts to work those on the antipodes.

KD4UJK DX CallBooks & QSL Routes by  Bill, KD4UJK by  Bill, KD4UJK

ON6DP QSL Manager Page

Pathfinder makes it easy to find QSL information in web-accessible sources.  The program is pre-loaded with the ability to search a large number of  popular sources of QSL information. You can modify these searches if desired, or replace them with new ones. Pathfinder runs on PCs with Windows 95, 98, or NT. Download Pathfinder via the web from, or via ftp from

SARL online callbook

QRZ Callsign Database


Circuits - Electronics projects

There are several wonderful websites where fantastic electronics projects and circuits can be found. Below are but a few of these sites found by the webmaster.  - Website by Elliott Sound Products (ESP), loads of audio and miscellaneous circuits - Circuits by Tony van Roon, VA3AVR (Retrieved from a web archive)


The most complete calendar of all HF contests worldwide is to be found at Bruce Horn WA7BNM's excellent web site WA7BNM 12-Month Contest Calendar at

ARRL Contest Calendar - includes IARU events

CQ Amateur Radio Magazine Contests

RSGB Contest Calendar

DX Resources

DX.QSL.NET  Search through many DX logs using a powerful search engine. Also view links to other logs on the Internet.
View a large collection of dynamic propagation information and reports. Chat with other DXers and view real-time spots from DX Summit.

Email Reflectors


This list is maintained at
To subscribe:
Send an empty message to: . You will then receive a special message to which you have to reply before being added to the list.
To Browse: You can browse through the messages without joinging the list at


This is a mailing list (reflector) devoted to the discussion of DX, making contact with other amateur radio operators in distant lands. This is the successor to the original VE7TCP dx mailing list, now maintained by The New Jersey DX Association (NJDXA).
To subscribe on the web: Go to for full information on this reflector. You can subscribe directly from this page by simply entering your email address and pressing the 'Subscribe' button.
To subscribe via email: Send a message to:
In the body insert:
subscribe dx-news your-first-name your-last-name.


This list is maintained by QTH.NET, and funded by K3TKJ.
To subscribe: Send a message to with the following in the body of the message:
subscribe dx.
You will receive a message to which you must reply before you are added to the list.

IOTA - Islands on the Air

RSGB IOTA Program website All you need to know about IOTA

Islands on the Web, an interactive web site for IOTA information. Islands on the Web (IOTW) is a DX website brought to you by Chris Taron, N1HRW. The mission of this website is to provide ham radio operators interested in the Radio Society of Great Britain's Islands on the Air Program (IOTA) with the tools and information needed to pursue this challenging program.

Downloadable IOTA Directory

Local South African Web Sites

Border Radio Club

Deutche Welle 300 Stammtisch Ham Page We are a loose group of mostly German-speaking amateur radio operators, their family members and other interested persons.

Port Elizabeth Amateur Radio Club (PEARS) 

Pretoria Radio Club - ZS6PTA

Highway Amateur Radio Club - ZS5HAM

SABC Amateur Radio Club Home Page

Sandton Amateur Radio Club

Cape Town Amateur Radio Centre (CTARC) - ZS1CT and our link is to

ZS6RO Ham Page   Contains up to date satellite weather pictures of Atlantic Ocean and Africa. Jan ZS6ACW gets these direct from the various satellites from his QTH.  Navigate to FTP/wxgif directory. Not to be missed!

South African Weather Service - HF Fax service
Contains times and frequencies for the reception of synoptic maps.

National Amateur Radio Organizations

ARRL - American Radio Relay League

Royal Union of Belgian Amateur Radio Available in English, Netherlands and French.

IARU - The International Amateur Radio Union
IARU Region 1 - New Web Site

Lithuanian Amateur Radio Society - LRMD, Lietuvos Radijo Mėgėjų Draugija

NZART - New Zealand Association of Radio Transmitters

Radio Amateurs of Canada Canada's National Society

RSGB - Radio Society of Great Britain

Wireless Institute of Australia - WIAK Queensland Division

World Association of Christian Radio Amateurs and Listeners (WACRAL)


Portals are becoming increasingly important on the Internet.  A Portal attempts to become a major port of call (or the primary port of call) for a group of Internet users, and thereby can attract advertising attention to a focused group.  The following are a few portals which are specifically of interest to radio amateurs. (In polish) These domains are hosted by SP8YCB "Ariadna" Club in Lublin, Poland. Contains just about everything you'd like to know. 

AC6V's website. Everything from A to Z

Propagation and Solar Conditions

IPS - Australian Propagation Service

The N6RT Propagation Web Page.  Doug Brandon has brought together a collection of useful propagation information from a variety of web sources, much of it in real time.  This page includes: Current solar and geomagnetic indices; recent major solar flare activity; NOAA auroral activity reports, including real-time auroral maps; NASA current solar images from the SOHO satellite; The STD world-wide MUF map, and more.

Propagation Web Page The Propagation Studies Committee of the Radio Society of Great Britain, by Martin G3USF.

Solar Cycle 23

Space Environment Centre Boulder Colorado (WWV)

10.7 cm Solar Radio Flux  Observed and derived from the GPS IONO model, by Northwest Research Associates Inc, Space Weather Services. The GPS-derived F10.7 index is inferred from the ionospheric model coefficients transmitted in the GPS navigation signal. This model provides estimates of the effect of the ionosphere on the GPS frequencies as a function of location on the earth, time-of-day, season, and the 10.7cm solar radio flux (F10.7). This index is generated daily at NWRA from the latest values of the GPS ionosphere coefficients obtained from the NAWCWPNS in China Lake, CA. 

 Solar Terrestrial Activity Report


AMSAT - The Radio Amateur Satellite Corporation (as AMSAT is officially known) was first formed in the District of Columbia in 1969 as an educational organization. Its goal was to foster Amateur Radio's participation in space research and communication.

Amsat-ON is the Belgian Amateur Satellite organisation, part of Amsat, the worldwide group of Amateur Radio Operators who share a common interest in building, launching and communicating with each other through non-commercial Amateur Radio Satellites.  This great website is run by ON1CAU, and contains much useful information, including: Links to current Kepler elements; Information on the Phase 3D K-band transponder, made in Belgium; Information on various tracking software packages; Details on MIR, SAREX misssions, the international space station, and much more.

ON1CAU Satellite page OSCAR I, Amateur radio's first satellite, was launched into orbit in December 1961. A small battery powered box, OSCAR I continually transmitted the morse code identifier HI to amateur receivers on earth until its battery ran down. A tremendous achievement for amateur radio in the early days of the space age, the succesful mission was to be but the first of many.Yesterday's dreams are today's reality ! Operating tips and information on how to get started in talking to people on the amateur satellites can be found here.. You can also learn how to talk to astronauts and cosmonauts while they are in orbit. This page is your launch vehicle into the fascinating journey of amateur radio in space.

Short Wave Listening

SWL Mailing List. If you are a non broadcasting-amateur SWL or even an amateur, with experience in SWL life, or willing to provide Gd DX, SWL contest, or whatever info...............You are more than welcome to the new SWL Mailing List.

If you want more info, simply write to me at

To subscribe send a message to:

Write in the body: subscribe


 The COOL - Community Open Online Logbook. An onlinelogging tool by Eddie Leighton, ZS6BNE.
Ham Radio Deluxe Software for Windows - A complete suite of software for the amateur radio operato
WSJTX - Weak signal, meteor scatter, and other digital mode software applications. FSK441, JT6M, JT65, FT8, FT4

SSTV With this page you can be up and running on SSTV in one hour.

MMSSTV BY JE3HHT - Makoto Mori
Slow Scan TV with Win95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP and Soundcard

Summits on the Air

Summits on the Air (SOTA) is an award scheme for radio amateurs and shortwave listeners that encourages portable operation in mountainous areas. SOTA has been carefully designed to make participation possible for everyone - this is not just for mountaineers! There are awards for activators (those who ascend to the summits) and chasers (who remain in the warmth of their radio shacks!).
Read more at:

Useful Resources on the Web

RigPix Comprehensive guide to just about every item of Amateur Radio equipment.

Have you ever wondered what a specific radio looks like? If that's the case I hope that this page can be the solutions to your problems. On this page you will find information about rigs, mostly pictures and specifications. All information is taken directly from the companies folders. 

HamRad, the Amateur Radio Resource
. Contains a host of links to Amateur Radio Organisations, Events, Manufacturers, Dealers, Personal Ham Sites, Radio Mods and more.
Web address:

Azimuthal / Great Circle Map Want to generate an Azimuthal Map (Great Circle Map), centred on your home QTH? Try this great program. Can be downloaded, or generate it online and print it in colour!
Web address:

Yahoo! Ham Radio Search Pages and Index

FinderSeeker, an interesting "Search Engine for Search Engines".  Use this resource site to find search engines dealing with specific items of interest.

Ham Radio Online Magazine

CQ Magazine

Overseas power and phone list - If you have to travel anywhere in the world with your laptop (or even your hair dryer), this is the site to visit. It lists power requirements, power plug adapters and phone adapters for countries across the globe. It also includes international calling codes and local Internet access numbers for major providers. If you have an adaptable cell phone, it gives the SIM code for the phone also. (U.S. cell phones don't work overseas.) Since the plug numbers and shapes are so confusing, there's also handy pages that show you pictures of power plug and modem adapter needed.

The K8CX Ham Gallery - contains over a hundred photos of Ham shacks, Antenna farms, DXpeditions, DX locations, Ham collectibles, 103 photos taken at the Dayton Hamvention 1997, a Links page, Search Engine page, Webcluster access page, and Guestbook. It has over 80 Real Audio Rare DX sound clips.

10-10 International The Ten-Ten International Net, Inc. was formed back in 1962 as the Ten-Ten Net of Southern California, to promote activity and good operating practice on the ten meter amateur band. Annual dues are $10.00 US members and $13.00 DX members to provide funds for expenses. Each member is assigned a unique "10-10 Number" which is retained for life, regardless of a change of callsign.

The Magic Band Network is related to 50 MHz, and is maintained by Ray, PB0ALN, UK Six Metre Group Member # 1189

Equipment Manufacturers




MFJ Enterprises ( Hygain, MFJ, Ameritron, Vectronics, Mirage )



The History of Telecommunication - Nice summary of the major milestones in communication.

Dementia forums - When the going gets boring, come to dementia

Kobus' Weather website. Some cool weather sat photos and more. Visit

Copyright © 1997-2025  •  South African Radio League
This page last modified: 22/4/2024